Whole Body Hyperthermia and Major Depression (MDD)
Source www.clinicaltrials.gov
« Brief Summary: major depressive disorder (MDD) is predicted to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide by the year 2020. The economic burden of depression in the United States is significant: $83.1 billion in 2000 and increasing. Much of this burden comes from the high rate of sub-optimal treatment outcomes associated with the disorder. Indeed, only 50% of MDD patients recover in less than 12 weeks with adequate treatment, and up to 20% of patients will fail to adequately respond to all currently available interventions. Moreover, current treatments come at the cost of significant central nervous system (CNS) side effects, further highlighting the need for more effective treatments with fewer side effects. This study will compare temperature ranges from the investigators preliminary studies involving thermoafferent pathways resulting in antidepressant actions with lower temperature ranges not expected to activate these pathways as a control condition, with the goal to evaluate whether previous observations were related to the temperature range in question or can be achieved with other levels.[…] »